Cancer Wellness Center

Healthcare Nonprofit Enhances Participant Care with S-NET




Northbrook, IL




25-50 Employees


Managed Business Communications
Cancer Wellness Center Case Study

Susan Rosenbaum

Chief Financial Officer, Cancer Wellness Center

S-NET Is There When We Need Them

The S-NET phone system has everything we wanted and needed. We needed more flexibility for the team to work remotely, so having the S-NET Mobile app on our phones is ideal. It’s also easy to use and we love how responsive the S-NET team is whenever we need them.

Cancer Wellness Center - The Challenge

The Challenge

Cancer Wellness Center’s previous technology provider began the process of switching their service delivery, which included moving to their VoIP service as well. Unfortunately, the Cancer Wellness Center team felt that the level of customer support and functionality for their new VoIP solution didn't fit their needs, so they decided to look for a different provider.

Cancer Wellness Center - The Solution

The Solution

They started looking for providers who could meet their needs for system functionality, customer service, and flexible remote work. Through a professional connection with Lewis Floor & Home, another customer of S-NET, Cancer Wellness Center was recommended to S-NET Communications.

The Cancer Wellness Center team was immediately impressed by S-NET's level of professionalism and attention to detail as they helped them transition to their new system on an expedited timeline. They were also pleased with how easy it was to integrate S-NET's VoIP service into their existing infrastructure.

Cancer Wellness Center - The Result

The Result

Once they made the switch, the Cancer Wellness Center team was able to begin using their new system effortlessly. The transition was quick, seamless, and required virtually no learning curve.

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