Woodstock’s Pizza

#1 Independent Pizzeria transitions their phone system with S-NET




San Diego, CA




Managed Business Communications
Woodstock's Pizza

Darryl Turner

Director of Technology, Woodstock’s Pizza

Little Details That Make a Difference

The general managers love the "listen in" feature S-NET has because they can hear how the phone interactions are going and either provide some coaching for the employees or congratulate them on an awesome job. We're very big on training and making sure the customer gets the same great experience every time. And it's these "little" features – like "listen in" – that have the biggest impact.

Woodstock's Pizza - The Challenge

The Challenge

Darryl Turner is the Director of Technology for Woodstock's Pizza Company, a California restaurant chain that has been named the #1 Independent Pizzeria in the Nation by Pizza Today. Darryl manages the technology needs of all five Woodstock's locations, ensuring they have the right systems in place to provide excellent customer service.

Unfortunately, when he was originally hired, Darryl discovered there wasn't a consistent phone system across all locations. Instead, there was a hodge-podge of different phone systems from multiple vendors for multiple stores. This resulted in a whole host of challenges, including consistent system outages that cost one Woodstock's location thousands of dollars in sales.

Frustrated, Darryl issued an RFP to find a truly reliable provider. SkyTalk (later acquired by S-NET) answered the call, replacing Darryl's multiple phone systems with a unified solution.

Woodstock's Pizza - The Solution with S-NET

The Solution

Within a year, S-NET bought out SkyTalk and, by extension, Darryl's contract with them. As with all acquisitions, there was a bit of uncertainty in the air. What if S-NET's product wasn't a good fit for Woodstock's? What if, instead of helping, the switch to S-NET hindered Woodstock's day-to-day operations? But after talking to their new account manager, Darryl decided it was worth a shot.

Woodstock's Pizza - The Result

The Result

And it paid off! According to Darryl, the switch to S-NET's phone system was not only completely painless, with no impact on Woodstock's customer service, but it also gave every location access to features that helped them maintain brand consistency.

"We're a very fun environment. If you come into our store the music's bumping because we want you to jam out and have a good time. We wanted to extend that customer experience to our music-on-hold but couldn't with our previous providers. Thankfully, S-NET allowed us to load a custom mix I made onto the switch and push it to all our stores. And you know what? We've gotten several calls from customers specifically to comment on how fun the mix is when they're put on hold."

Plus, thanks to features like "whisper" and "listen in," Woodstock's general managers were able to provide insightful coaching to their employees, keeping them on top of their game when caring for customers.

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